
Creating an account for the first time?

Only alumni with email addresses in our database can join the portal for security reasons. If your email is not recognized, please click here to provide us with your current email address. New email submissions will be uploaded periodically to allow for portal sign-on.


  • Click on "Forgot Username or Password" below to create your account.
  • Enter your email.
  • Check your email for your username and a password creation link.
  • Type in your username and create a password for your account.
  • Congratulations! You just created your IHS Alumni Portal account. Now you can begin to update your record in our alumni directory.

If you have any questions, please contact Director of Alumni Relations and Events, Jeannie Coleman Demko at jdemko@myimmaculatehs.org.

If you are already registered, please log in below.

Forgot your login?

Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and password will be emailed to you.

Create a new Password

Please enter your username and create a new password.