Spiritual Life
Since 1962, Immaculate High School has been infused with a tradition and philosophy of education that develops each student in an environment that fosters the growth of the whole person. Immaculate believes that all students need to recognize the best within themselves - not only in the classroom, but also in the community and through service work.
Under the leadership of our School Chaplain, Campus Ministry students plan student liturgies in addition to morning prayer, Lenten and Advent reflections and school-wide prayer services. Students have the opportunity to put their faith in action through a variety of service and social justice activities.
Students participate in weekly morning Mass, rosary services and adoration during lunch hours. There are special prayer services to recognize national and international days including but not limited to 9/ll victims, Sandy Hook victims, veterans, natural disasters and world peace. School-wide Masses are held monthly.
Sacramental activities help students grow in their relationship with God.
- Adoration available daily during lunch hours
- School-wide Masses every first Friday and for holidays and holy days
- A prayer service honoring the victims of 9/11 and 12/14
- A Lenten penance service and opportunities for confession
- Morning and afternoon school-wide prayer
- Pastoral counseling
Social activities provide fellowship in a peer group that shares a faith commitment, creates community within Immaculate, and helps students participate actively to support the needs of our local communities.
- Grade-level retreats
- March for Life Program
- Campus Ministry
- Catholic Relief Service Programs
- Catholic Charities Programs, Fairfield County
Each student must complete twenty-five hours of community service annually. Students are required to fulfill 100 hours of service for graduation. Campus Ministry offers many opportunities to engage in service. Students are encouraged to participate in local parish ministries, with local community service organizations and with the school’s Campus Ministry and established service clubs. Under the leadership of our school Chaplain, mission trips are another way for students to engage in rewarding community service opportunities.