* Required
Description: Mustang spirit wear apparel is sold at IHS events throughout the school year. Volunteers are needed to help set-up and sell spirit wear at football games, basketball games, open house and additional school events.
Date: Entire School Year
Description: Annual fundraising event held at Ridgewood Country Club includes golf, cart, lunch, dinner, raffles & hole in one prizes.
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Description: The Admissions Office looks to hold receptions in various school and town communities, allowing prospective families to meet current parents and administration, as they learn about our school. Volunteers needed to host receptions at their homes or attend receptions held at various venues.
Dates: TBD - Fall 2022
Description: An event for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their families to see and learn about the school. It includes a presentation from the administration, displays by sports teams and other school activities, tours and refreshments. IPA provides refreshments in the cafeteria. Volunteers needed for meet & greet, setup, serving, and cleanup.
Date: Sunday, October 16, 2022 @1pm
Description: In celebration of Immaculate's 60th Anniversary IPA will be hosting a wine and beer tasting at the school. Volunteers are needed to chair this event, setup and cleanup.
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022
Chair: TBD
Description: The week before school is dismissed for the Christmas Holiday the IPA organizes a cookie exchange for the teachers and staff. The IPA askes families to send in their favorite homemade cookie or sweet. Containers are provided for the teachers/staff to fill and enjoy the sweet treats before the holiday.
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2022
Description: This is a gathering for accepted students and their parents to visit IHS in a casual setting. Volunteers are needed to meet and greet students/families, set-up, serve, and cleanup.
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Description: Generally held in January during Catholic Schools Week. IPA host a catered lunch for teachers and staff in the Learning Commons. Volunteers are needed to setup, serve and cleanup.
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Description: While the faculty and staff are enjoying their luncheon the students are served nachos with cheese and salsa plus cookies during their lunch period.
Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Description: This annual spring fundraising event is a fun evening that includes cocktail hour, silent auction, live auction, dinner, dancing & awards.
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2023
Description: The Ring Day ceremony is held in the chapel. The rings are blessed and then distributed. After the ceremony the IPA provides a full breakfast in the cafeteria. The hot food is prepared by the cafeteria staff. Volunteers needed for set up, serving, and clean up.
Date: Sunday, March 5, 2023
Description: A fun and informative event for all newly enrolled students and their families to meet fellow classmates, parents and administration. It includes a BBQ dinner for the students in the dining hall and dessert reception on the patio for the parents. Volunteers needed for meet & greet, setup, serving, and cleanup.
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 (5pm - 7pm)
Description: Held in the spring, the event starts with a full school mass. A continental breakfast is provided for the Grandparents & Special people plus their student.
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023 (9am - 11am)
Description: During Graduation week the IPA along with senior parents serve a full breakfast to the graduates. The hot food is prepared by the cafeteria staff. There is an alumni ceremony and graduation practice is immediately following their breakfast.
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Description: A weekend long celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Immaculate High School. Friday morning a breakfast to benefit the scholarship/endowment fund will be held at the Amber Room Colonnade. Saturday evening there will be an all alumni reunion celebration at the Bobby Plumb Gymnasium and Sunday Mass followed by school tours and fun activities at IHS.
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023 - Sunday, June 4, 2023