Placement Exams

High School Placement Test (HSPT)


  • Wednesday, February 12th
    8:00am - 11:45am

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a nationally recognized standardized test that is used as part of the admissions process at Immaculate High School. The test is for current 8th grade students and may only be taken once. The two and a half hour timed exam includes subject areas consisting of verbal skills, quantitative skills, reading, mathematics and language skills. The results of the HSPT are used as part of both admissions and scholarship consideration as well as to determine course placement.

When you apply and take the HSPT at Immaculate, your $50 application fee covers the cost of the exam. We strongly recommend submitting the online admission application prior to taking the HSPT.  Information for the testing day will be sent via email.


2024-2025 High School Placement Test Dates


Immaculate was pleased to offer the 7th grade version of the High School Placement Test (HSPT) as a practice test on Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 8am - 11am.

Check back soon for our 2025 Pre-HSPT information.

The Pre-HSPT is a 2.5 hour practice exam intended to help students become more familiar with the different sections of the HSPT under timed conditions. Score reports are mailed home approximately two weeks after the exam, allowing time to register for math or verbal HSPT Prep summer enrichment classes at Immaculate. 

The results of the Pre-HSPT are not used in the high school admissions process. The practice test is completely optional and is helpful in giving the student an idea of how the exam will be administered and what to expect on the actual day of testing in the fall. Registration will open in April. Testing accommodations are not given for the practice test, but are provided for the actual HSPT upon receipt of proper documentation.

8th Grade HSPT Prep Session

HSPT Prep Session


This workshop offers students the opportunity to learn more about the HSPT, review the math and verbal sections, along with sample questions and familiarize themselves with the format and focus of the test. Every student in attendance will receive an HSPT Prep Book to take home.

Parents are invited to attend an Information Session at 9am. No registration is necessary.

  • Saturday, September 7, 9am - 11am
  • Fee: $40 (cash or check payable to Immaculate High School) collected at entrance to the exam.



Freshman Course Placement

student taking test with banner freshmen placement exams math & world languages

Immaculate High School offers a Catholic, college preparatory learning environment that prepares students for college and life. In order to help students succeed academically and to ensure a smooth transition from middle school to high school, incoming ninth grade students are placed in course levels based on middle-school curriculum and grades, teacher recommendations, past standardized assessments and the High School Placement Test. We believe that a strong start is the key to a student's overall success and that proper placement freshman year serves as the foundation for a student to reach their academic goals. Gaining confidence and developing the fundamental building blocks are critical for more advanced math and world language courses.

Immaculate offers College Prep, Honors, Advanced Placement and ECE (college level/dual-enrollment) courses. A freshman may be placed in all classes of a certain level or placed in classes of varied curricula. For example, a student might be placed in Honors Geometry and Biology, but College Prep English and Social Studies. 

It is also important to note that there are no tracks at Immaculate and therefore students are not locked into any one curriculum level. A student who is placed in a college preparatory course in the ninth grade has the opportunity to move into an honors course the following year. After initial placement is made for ninth grade, the student drives his or her later placement based on performance in prerequisite courses. For example, a student who excels in Biology CP in the freshman year may qualify to place in Chemistry Honors in the sophomore year provided that they achieved an "A" in the college prep level. A student in Biology Honors or AP Biology must earn a final grade of an "B" or higher to remain in honors or AP for the following year.

Freshman Placement Exams