Course Guide: Programs of Study

IHS Graduation Requirements

To meet minimum credits for graduation, students are required to earn 25 credits. The suggested credits to attend competitive colleges is higher (26-31 credits). The below requirements for graduation reflect the minimum core course requirements. Please consult with your school counselor for the recommended distribution of courses and credits most suited to your educational and career plans.

Course Selection

Immaculate High School course offerings are designed to provide an opportunity for students to pursue their interests as well as meet the requirements established by the Diocese of Bridgeport and the State of Connecticut. The process for selecting courses includes students reviewing the course guide, registering electronically and meeting with a counselor. Registration for courses should represent a firm commitment to enrollment in courses for the following year. However, a student may request a program change in June on a date specified by the Counseling Department.

The following are accepted reason for schedule change consideration after the specified June deadline:

  • Successful completion of an approved summer school course

  • Discovery of a clerical error

  • A course has been cancelled due to insufficient enrollment

Course Levels 

All course levels are created to provide an opportunity for every student to be successful as they prepare for college and beyond. We develop the courses with the intent to support learning needs and abilities so that students may progress to more challenging coursework during their four years at Immaculate. Students matriculate each school year with the opportunity for being engaged in new academically challenging courses.

Career Path and Advance Placement Reference Chart

 Virtual Course Overview

Immaculate students have the opportunity to participate in online courses not offered at IHS through Virtual High School (VHS). Courses are open to students who opt to enroll in a virtual world language program and to seniors who have completed Immaculate High School's program and want to take advanced classes that are not available. Teacher and administration endorsement required for senior courses.

Advanced Placement Guidelines

Read our AP Guidelines to learn about the program, keys to success, determine if AP Courses are right for you and more...


Course Guide:
Programs of Study

Click the button below to download a printable version of our current course guide which includes information on academic and graduation requirements, AP and Early College Experience courses and more.
